The Hairexpert salons

Discover below the list of the Hairexpert salons and find the one that is closest to you.

List of the Hairexpert salons

  • Hairatelier D-Line

    Hairatelier D-Line

    Kortrijksesteenweg 243
    8530 Harelbeke

    +32(0)5 671 01 33


  • Heads Up Hairstylist Sarah Morlion

    Heads Up Hairstylist Sarah Morlion

    Motestraat 76
    8940 Wervik

    +32(0)5 629 94 32

  • Kapsalon Sofie

    Kapsalon Sofie

    Henri verstappenplein 6
    3290 Diest

    +32(0)1 331 26 73


  • Aux couleurs du temps

    Aux couleurs du temps

    Rue ange du paradis 20
    5081 Meux

    +32(0)497 53 75 73


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